aurélie abadie + sauques samuel

pâte de ver-
re contemporaine



After studies of design and a glass school for Aurélie, a ceramic art school and artist's assistant for Samuel, we founded our studio as a duo in 2008 and we settled in Brittany. We work with "glass paste", a technique allowing the use of glass as a sculptor's material by molding process.

Matter, in most of its manifestations, reflects light and cannot be penetrated. It is the dimension of glass that interests us particularly: by its transparency this material is in a way the link between the world of the intangible and that of materiality. We can therefore experience in a direct, tactile and visual way what is on the order of emptiness, interiority, the intangible.


En verre et contre tout
Musée du verre de Charleroi- Belgique
until 09.03.2025
Terre et Flamme - La sculpture fait salon
Chantepie (35)
until 03.11.2024
